Find your niche

Are you trying to be all things to all people?

Luxury Transitions Logo and tagline

We are all too close to our business to see what is obvious to others. Many of us entrepreneurs spent most of our time in a bit of a bubble and we can't be objective. We need someone else to be a sounding board, to listen and help you see what you don't see.

This is what happened to our client Maureen Coates when she went through Brand Camp this past spring. She was trying to be everything to everyone, when she had already found her niche - helping people downsize. The thing I loved most about working with Maureen is that she didn't hesitate to make a decision when it felt right. She went with her gut.

We could all learn a lesson from Maureen. Trust your gut, it's rarely wrong.

Below you can see what her logo and website looked like before and then how we helped transform the new brand foundation she created in Brand Camp into the visual expression of that brand.

Modecor - Luxury Transitions Before and After
Modecor Luxury Transitions before and after website
Maureen Coates

So what is is that Luxury transitions does? The Brand position explains it perfectly "Helping you edit your life, curate your teasures and design your new smaller home."

Thank you for trusting up with your rebrand Maureen. We wish you great success!!

I also have to mention Heather from Fun Love Photography...she captured this gorgeous photo of Maureen (along with many others) and it so perfect reflects her personality! Thank you Heather!


Supporting the Work of Leaders


What is your brand missing?