Pulling it all together – for real!

Develop a brand that takes you from generic to remarkable

In the 14 years since I started my business, I’ve had my share of amazing and challenging clients. But everyone once in a while a client comes along that has a way of reminding me why I do what I do and helps me to confidently own my strengths.

Our client Michael Hagley is one of those clients. As I was planning on writing this post I re-read Michael review on Facebook and thought, why write about working together when he captured it perfectly!

“I have been developing people and coaching for awhile now and had some presence online. Then one day I realized I needed to develop a brand and pull it all together – for real.

As I was looking and thinking about how to pull it all together, I met Laura. After talking to her for only a few minutes I knew this was the person I wanted to work with to build my brand!

I signed up and diligently worked through Lab Creative’s Brand Camp. It was obvious to me that the work I did there would fuel the rest of the work to come. The work I do in my practice means a lot to me, and Laura was able to help me get those benefits, feelings and values into words. That lead to renaming my practice, the creating of a brand, my brand, that reflects me, and what I do.

The Lab Creative team was awesome throughout the whole experience. They are very good at what they do – my website, logo and business cards attest to that fact! They are also professional, timely, creative and fun! My sense throughout our work, was one of being in partnership.“

Michael Hagley, Bearing

To say Maria and I were thrilled to read this would be an understatement!

Through the process of Brand Camp, it became apparent that a new business name was needed. (I should note that this is not something that is part of the course.) We brainstormed a number of ideas for the name and Bearing became the lead contender. Why? Because the word has so many meanings that resonate with Michael and what he does!

Check out the before and after.

Bearing Before and After

During Brand Camp we cover the 8 essential elements for developing a Brand Foundation – which we call our Brand Science. Below are 3 of those elements for the Bearing brand.

Work, from the inside out.

I love how Michael expressed what this means to him. “Awareness of your values, beliefs and habits allows you to understand your behaviour now and sets the stage for change in the future. To change behaviour for the future, you must start, and work, from the inside out.

I join leaders and teams at points along their work journey to connect powerfully, surpass their limits and rise to their potential in an energetic, intuitive, meaningful and purposeful way.

I get joy and fulfillment from helping my clients develop and succeed in a way that has meaning and purpose for them.

Then on to design...

Bearing Mood board and logo
Bearing Business Cards

Once Michael completed Brand Camp we got to work on bringing his new brand to life visually.

The logo design is an energetic and engaging design that incorporates intersecting lines within the letters. These intersecting lines reflect the different points at which Michael join leaders and teams along the path of their work journey to help them connect and drive results. You’ll see this design element throughout the Bearing brand.

The deep blue is a grounded, professional colour paired with a bold, dynamic orange to express the energy he brings.

Everything we designed for Bearing is a true reflection of the Brand Personality we helped develop.

So are you a before or an after? Generic or remarkable? If you are ready to up your game, stand out from the crowd I’d like to invite you to set up a call with me (here’s a link to my calendar) to see if Brand Camp is right for you.


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