What Teaching Has Taught Me

Laura Beauparlant teaching

Last year I decided that I wanted to help create the next generation of designers.I LOVE typography and was thrilled when an opportunity came up for me to teach this subject at George Brown College here in Toronto.

I’m now into my second semester and I have to say that learning the curriculum and technology system, as well as grading and managing young adults has had its challenges, but I’m finding my groove.And with that groove, I’ve honed in on my learning objectives for my students.

1. Instill a love of typography
2. Prepare them for the job market
3. Develop their design skills

Now, what I didn’t expect was what I would get out of teaching. It has reinforced my strengths and my value.

I am amazing at what I do.  There, I said it. As a Canadian and a woman, it’s hard for me to say something that sounds boastful, but I’m getting over it!

The truth is, it’s okay to say you are amazing at what you do. If you don’t believe it, will your clients?

Teaching has allowed me to see how much my design and communication skills and talents have grown and expanded over the years. What takes me minutes today, would have taken hours in college and at the beginning of my career. My students have shown me just how far I've come since I was in their seats, and it is humbling.

My eye for detail has developed through my 20 year career.

One of my students said to me the other day “You really do notice everything.”

Yes, yes I do.

Another student wanted to know why she got a 6 out of 10 on an assignment, so I sat with her and gave my feedback and how she could make improvements. She worked on revising the assignment and now her 6/10 would be a 9/10. The best part is, she saw how much better the new designs were.I love that I get to help new designers learn our craft and that in the process, I gain a new perspective on my own talent.

So as an entrepreneur, what are you doing to empower yourself and build up your confidence?

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Download our free branding guide here to start building confidence in your brand.  


Filling The Well


From Burnt Out To Fired Up