Have An Opinion

And don't be afraid to share it.

Laura Beauparlant speaking

I’ve often kept my opinions to myself.

I didn’t want to rock the boat or cause conflict. I was what you would call a ‘people pleaser’.

However I’ve realized, in business anyway, is that people really want to hear my opinion.

My opinion – based on years of experience as a designer, entrepreneur and branding expert – is actually what people pay me for. (And our design work is a product of that well honed viewpoint.)

If I didn’t have an opinion, if I didn’t let my voice be heard and just wrote or designed what my client said they wanted, my business would flounder and probably fail.

That’s not to say I don’t create what they want, I do. The beauty is that I create something they didn’t know they needed. Profound right?

By listening first, then sharing my thoughts and providing branding and design guidance, my business is flourishing and so are my clients.

So have an opinion! Live it, breath is, believe it and share it.

Just try to be as kind as you can when sharing it and know that you can't make everyone agree with you.

Interested in my opinion on your brand and learning how we can help? Book a call here.

Photo by Heather Davidson-Meyn


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