Transforming Tradition

Before + After: From basic to world class branding

It’s easy to follow the way things have always been done – not just in life but in business. So when your company has been in business for decades, making the decision to rebrand can be a difficult one. Change is hard and yet, that is where growth comes.

This is what happened to our client Masten Pools who’ve been in business for close to 40 years. Not much had changed with the brand over the years and their web presence was mediocre at best. They are exceptional at what they do – but the brand wasn’t reflecting that to their audience. Their logo, website and social media were outdated, lacking professionalism, and resembled every other pool company out there.

Ryan Masten, the new owner and nephew of the founder, knew that in order to stand out and grow the business, they needed a brand revolution!

Before working together, they didn’t have their story articulated in a powerful way. They wanted to communicate to their clients that while they respect the foundation laid by the previous generation, they also embody a fresh approach and a renewed commitment to their craft. This is what we did together and we love the results! Honestly, we have the best clients in the world!

Shaping Perception

I believe in the power of branding to shape perceptions, convey values, and create connections. This partnership with Masten Pools was a chance to embody a fresh approach and a renewed commitment to their craft while honouring their rich history.

Through Brand Camp, we developed the foundation of their brand and crafted impactful messaging. Including a clearly defined target audience, what makes them different, a powerful why statement, personality traits, a compelling brand position (how they want to be perceived in the minds of their clients) and a memorable and meaningful tagline that will drive their messaging going forward.

Once this was complete, there was a clear direction for the visual brand and we began with updating their colour palette and revamping their logo. We elevated the brand through the choice of fonts, colours and the integration of a dynamic Monogram. This is not your typical pool company logo – which is exactly what we were going for. It fits the company and the audience they want to attract.

Masten Pools Logo before and after

They were already in the midst of updating their website so we worked together with their development team to provide design support, art direction and photography selection. The site now fits the personalty of their brand and continue to raise their position in the market.

Masten Pools Website before and after

We found that Masten Pools was using a completely different version of their logo on social media. We see this happen often when people rebrand but forget to update various social platforms. (Is it time to check all your social platforms to make sure they are all up to date?)

Now when you go to they social media channels, you know you’re in the right place!

If you want to see the full rebrand, head on over to our portfolio here.

Masten Pools Facebook page before and after

All this talk of pools is making me want to go swimming! Especially since I’m writing this in the middle of a heat wave!

Time for a change?

When a brand is outdated, a web presence non-existent, when clients can’t distinguish you from your competitors, it’s time for change. Ready to talk? Book a call with me here.


Shifting Gears


The Power of Observation