Unlocking Business Value: The Art of Branding to Sell

When it comes to positioning your business for sale, your brand is a strategic tool and not merely superficial. It plays a key role in elevating your business, and ultimately, attract the right buyer for a premium sale.

Where competition is fierce and opportunities abound, your brand is more than just a website and logo; it's a powerful (yet intangible) goodwill asset that can significantly enhance your perceived value.

“Goodwill refers to the value a company gets from its brand, customer base and reputation associated with its intellectual property. Goodwill is a long-term asset that generates value for a company over a number of years.BDC.ca

Imagine walking into a store filled with identical products. What influences your choice? Chances are, it's the branding – the story, values, and reputation associated with a particular product or service. Your brand isn't just a label; it's the sum total of all the experiences and emotions tied to your business. And showing up consistently is key. 

When you invest in strategic branding, you're not just investing in aesthetics; you're investing in the perception of your business. This perception can be the difference between being seen as a commodity or a coveted asset.

“I help founders maximize their exit value, and one of the things we look for is strong branding. Branding at the company level, product level branding, etc. In many cases there is so much strategic value created by a good brand that it becomes a primary driver of exit value.”

 Mac Lackey, Six Exit Founder, Speaker, Author and Coach

The Role of Messaging and Design

If your end goal is to sell your business, the work to position it for sale is best done well ahead of time. If your name is intrinsically associated with the business, you struggle to articulate what sets you apart, and your website, created 10 years ago, remains untouched, it can significantly impact your ability to sell.

We recently worked with our client Sharla who owns thriving dental practice. While the clinic provides top-notch care, its branding, closely tied to the founder's name, would limit its appeal to potential buyers if she ever decides to sell.

Recognizing the need for change, we helped rename and rebrand the clinic as "Alive Dental," focusing on helping people illuminate the unknown and confidently take control of their oral health.This strategic shift not only broadens its market but also positions it as a business primed for growth and innovation.

Beyond a name change, well-aligned messaging and design can increase a brand's appeal. This alignment serves as a beacon, guiding the right clients and buyers to your doorstep. In the case of "Alive Dental," the new branding not only shed the founder-centric image but also conveys a commitment to focusing on biological dentistry – the relationship between people’s oral health and their overall well-being. This evolution sets the stage for a prosperous future no matter when or if they sell.

“At STS, the most important thing we can do for our clients is to attract strategic buyers to acquire them, an approach we call Selling to Strategics™. Our job is made easier when a business has high quality branding. It adds great value in the eyes of an acquirer, and they are willing to pay a premium price to obtain it.”

– Paul Ormsby, VP, Operations Support  |  STS Capital Partners

Investing in Your Brand

Branding isn't a luxury; it's essential. When you invest in branding, you're not merely influencing your business's future; you're also building a lasting legacy that extends beyond immediate gains, leaving a meaningful and lasting mark on your industry, community, employees and family.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business through strategic branding? Contact us today and embark on a journey to maximize your business's value. 


The Alive Dental Rebrand Success Story


ASMR – Is it Right for Your Brand?