A Community of Wildly Ambitious Women

I don’t always travel 28 hours to give a workshop…this one was worth it.

Have you ever met people that you instantly connected with? Ones who get you, who see you and accept you? People who you can share your ambitions and struggles with?

This is exactly what it was like at Camp Tailwind last weekend. This retreat for women entrepreneurs – held at Camp Tamakwa in Algonquin park – filled my cup in so many ways.

I recently moved to Italy with my family for 10 months, so it was a much longer trek to get to this event than if I was still living in Toronto AND it was exactly where I needed to be.

I was there to help others learn and grow and experience the same for myself. I had deep, meaningful conversations, learned from exceptional thought leaders, hosted a workshop, shared my gift (and my book), leaned in and had fun!

Below I’m sharing some of my favourite moments and photos (most of which are captured by the talented Paula Owen and Carin Smolinski).

Camp Tailwind Algonquin Park Camp Tamakwa September 2022
Laura Beauparlant's book Brand Chemistry in the swag bag
Brand Chemistry - swag bag Camp Tailwind

I was thrilled to host a workshop at camp called Branding through Storytelling, where I shared my philosophy around curating your personal and professional stories in order to create deep, authentic relationships with your audience and clients.

I can’t say I had ever spoken in the wilderness – surrounded by trees, in a borrowed jacket and with no makeup on…and now I can!

The setting was gorgeous and the audience engaged! I loved every second of it!

Laura Beauparlant workshop speaker - Branding Through Storytelling
Laura Beauparlant workshop speaker - Branding Through Storytelling

On the first night of camp the temperature dropped below zero and I was grossly unprepared! I basically slept in what you see me wearing in the photos below. Let’s call it camp chic!

I will admit I wasn’t at my best on the first full day….I was tired, cold and cranky. I started to question my sanity for making the trek here and thought - if we weren’t on an island I would have made my escape!

Once the coffee kicked in and the sun came out I felt better – everyone did! What followed was the realization that THIS is where growth happens – in the discomfort. We all got emotionally uncomfortable and thankfully we started that first morning with a keynote from Heather Chauvin – let’s just say she knows a thing or two about getting emotionally uncomfortable.

A impactful moment happened one morning after a talk by one of the speakers – I was visited by a big, beautiful dragonfly. It stayed on my sweater for a long time and people gathered to marvel at its beauty and significance to me.


From what I read, a dragonfly landing on you symbolizes change, transformation and new beginnings. After it flew away, I sat on the edge of the dock and cried. I’m not 100% sure why, but it felt important and I was overcome with emotion.

Camp Tamakwa

I think entrepreneurs usually go to retreats, conferences and events to widen our network, make business relationships and connect with potential clients. And while this is all true at Dovetail event (like Camp Tailwind) what I didn’t expect was deep friendships.

The ones where you share your deepest truth, say I love you and connect on a soul level. You can laugh and cry together and know there is zero judgement. The photos below show just a few of the women who were strangers last year and are now the women I turn to for support if I’m struggling and to celebrate my wins!

Laura Beauparlant and Paula Owen
Laura Beauparant and Andrea Sampson
Laura Beauparlant and Jodi Echakowitz
Group Hike at Camp Tailwind

There were brilliant keynote speeches and powerful workshops, as well as time for space and fun like zip lining and dancing.

Laura Beauparlant camp tailwind dance party
Alexis Dean Megan Tong Laura Beauparlant

Alexis Dean - thank you for creating the Dovetail Community and Camp Tailwind, and for curating the most exceptional group of wildly ambitious women!


Who are you really?


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