Color Psychology in Business: Evoke Emotions and Build Brand Recognition

Discover how brand colors shape your business perception and connect with your audience's emotions.


As an entrepreneur, you understand the importance of leaving a lasting impression on your clients and customers – and your brand colors play a significant role. At Lab Creative, we have a unique methodology to help clients choose their brand colors—one that goes beyond just descriptive terms.

Instead of using generic words like "modern" or "bespoke," we delve deeper into the human characteristics that represent your brand personality. This approach allows us to create a moodboard and color palette that visually embodies these traits and perfectly aligns with your business identity.

Colors go beyond aesthetics; they tap into the psychology of emotion and shape the perception people have of your business.

By understanding the psychological impact of colors, you can deliberately choose brand colors that evoke the desired feelings you want people to associate with your brand – every time they encounter it.

Laura and Maria picking colours

Think outside the box 

When choosing brand colors, it can be helpful to look at what others in your industry are doing, not to follow them, but to make sure you aren't blending in with the crowd. For example, not every naturopathic doctor needs to use green. In fact, you can stand out more in your industry if you stray from the colors we’re all used to seeing in a particular industry.

Check out what Dr. Lisa Watson’s brand is doing. Her bright red catches her audience’s attention as a naturopath that’s standing out from the crowd and the industry standard.

Once you’ve created your brand’s color palette, it’s incredibly important to use your colors consistently.

When you repeatedly use your brand colors, you become easily recognizable. In fact, colors increase brand recognition up to 80%! On social media, you want people to know it’s your brand, before they even read the caption, or take a look at the username. You want the recognition to be that quick – and becoming consistent with your brand colors can achieve that!

You’ll want to be sure that your colors are consistent on your website, social media banners, social media posts, any ads you’re running, even your email signature lines! We’re serious - put them everywhere!

Recently, we had some friends over for dinner and they brought flowers along as a host gift. The flowers were bright yellow and pink with sprigs of greenery sprinkled throughout. "They're on brand for you," my guest told me.

That’s the power of consistency.

You want your clients and customers to think of you when they see your brand colours out in the world. When people are picking out flowers that match your brand because those specific colors make them think of you – you’ve nailed it.

If you’ve been using a vague “dark blue” as your brand colour, or you bounce back and forth between what you’re using on social, or you’re just plain sick of the colours in your logo, it’s time to pause and play a bit with colour to make a BIG impact on your brand.

Take it a step further 

Here at Lab Creative, we're known for our use of big, bold, and saturated colors. As the face of the brand, I often wear bold floral prints and bright hues like “ Laura Pink”. While not every outfit needs to perfectly match your exact color palette, striving for consistency can strengthen your brand presence. By embodying your brand personality in your wardrobe, you express authenticity and project the emotions that define your brand.

Whether I'm sharing a picture on social media, hosting a live session, or taking a selfie, I ensure that the image or video incorporates our signature big, bold colors. This attention to detail creates a seamless alignment with the look and feel of our graphics and reinforces our brand's visual identity across various platforms.

I recently had someone bring me yellow flowers because the made her think of my book and just yesterday a client noticed my yellow manicure on a instagram story and comments that I was on brand. It’s all about the details.

Embrace your brand colors in your personal style and visual content to create a lasting impact on your audience.

[photo collage] Laura Beauparlant - Founder of Lab Creative, Keynote speaker and author of Brand Chemistry

Where to Start

Discover the art of selecting brand colors that truly represent your business values and personality. Get clear on your brand colors and communicate your desired message to your audience effectively with Color Chemistry.

Color Chemistry— is our three-step DIY program that helps you develop your brand personality, moodboard, and color palette.

You’re communicating to your audience with the colors you’re using - so let’s make sure your colors align with what you WANT to be saying!

Check out Color Chemistry here and unlock the full potential of your brand colors.


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