The Referable Business

How to Build a Business That Turns Clients into Raving Fans

“Tell me about your trip to Uganda!”

I’ve been asked this over and over again since I travelled there a few weeks ago and I love talking about it. The crazy journey I had getting there, the people, the places, the adventures…  

This was my third trip with Wayfinders – an adventure travel company for entrepreneurs run by Mike Brcic. (You can read my posts about my past adventures to Greenland and Morocco.)

One of the things I’m reflecting on now that I’m back and have had some time to process the trip, is that Mike has built the most referrable business I’ve ever seen.

We are all raving fans.

All eighteen of us who were there are sharing photos, videos and testimonials all over the internet. Six of us were just at another entrepreneur event and each of us were talking about Uganda. People wanted to know more and were pulling up the Wayfinders website while we had dinner together.

We are the best marketing engine Mike could ever have. No need for ads or crazy funnels.

The only way to do this is to create a service so memorable and transformative that your clients become your biggest fans and share you with their network…without even asking them to.

I’ve already referred many people to Wayfinders – two of whom were on the trip to Uganda. And I’m sure they won’t be the last.

What makes these trips so special? It’s hard to put it into words but I will try.

They are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually challenging and transformative.

As entrepreneurs we spend so much of our time looking outward, focusing on our clients and teams, putting out fires, marketing, building, and growing. Going to a place like the impenetrable forest in Uganda – all of that goes away.

We connected with each other in small groups, and with ourselves.
We climbed a volcano and a waterfall, and tracked mountain gorillas.
We meet local school children, famers and the Batwa (pigmy) people.
We were greeted by the local children like we were celebrities everywhere we went.

And SO much more…check out a few of my many photos!

And while none of this might sound related to business or entrepreneurship, it has everything to do with it. Because how you do one thing, is how you do everything.

It’s easy to get stuck, complacent, and comfortable.

Travelling with a group of like-minded peers gets me out of this zone.

Why does Wayfinders work so well?

Mike is crystal clear on his target audience which leads to the right people going on his trips, he has a simple offering that is easy to explain and get excited about, and the experience is crafted and curated for maximum impact.

When you are clear on who you serve, do one thing really, really well and offer an exceptional experience you will create a business with raving fans.

Do you have a referable business and if not, what can you learn from Mike’s business to make it one?

Interested working together to build a brand with raving fans? Book a call with me here.


The Power of Observation


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